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Botanical Roots: Why you should consume dandelion

Source: Loopnews-
Dandelion is a family of flowering plants that grow wild in most parts of the world, the medicinal properties of which have been known to mankind for centuries and have been used to treat a variety of ailments
The medicinal properties of dandelion can be found in all parts of the plant, where rich sources of vitamins, minerals and fibre are present.
The plant is loaded with antioxidants that help to prevent the negative effects of free radicals in your body. Free radicals contribute to disease development and accelerated aging. Therefore, antioxidants are essential for keeping your body healthy.
Dandelion contains high levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is known to provide strong protection against cellular damage and oxidative stress.
Consuming this wonder plant will also aid in bolstering your immune system which is needed to ward of the effects of the dreaded COVOD-19 virus that is now wreaking havoc across the world.
The dandelion is also known to be good for treating the effects of inflammation and also aids in the control of blood sugar.
Some persons consume dandelion as a tea to assist in lowering harmful cholesterol levels and it's often touted as a great treatment to stabilise high blood pressure.
What's more, dandelion coffee, made from the seeds of the plant, has been consumed by Jamaicans for generations, and reportedly can be used as a remedy for haemorrhoids, gout, eczema, rheumatism, as a bowel cleanser and a diuretic.
Other benefits of consuming dandelion include boosting liver health and building resistance against cancerous cells.
So next time you see the dandelion growing in your yard, remember it is not just a pesky weed but nature’s gift to a healthier existence.